Ladder Stand-off
Posted By: MyAlarm Security | Posted Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Ladder Stand-off
Pretty boring i know but this new piece of kit we brought is amazing. Such a simple idea thats been around for years but never really thought it would benefit us but my goodness - does it!
On a recent install of a smart home security burglar alarm system in Bexley on the borders of Sidcup we were offered to use one at one our customers houses as they were trying to point our how good they were, we tried it and immediately went out to get one. They make you feel soo much safer and especially if there is a pitched roof in the way of getting up to high level to fit the external siren.
They are also brilliant when fitting one of our CCTV camera systems as we often fit cameras on the underside of the bay this means we do not have to lean out to fix the camera.